Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
2014/15 Master & PhD Scholarships for Foreign University Students in Czech Republic
South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM) offers scholarships for foreign students from the third countries out of European Union, who wish to study a follow-up master or PhD study programs. Scholarships are provided in the field of technical and natural science at one of the universities in the South Moravian region in the Czech Republic. There is no tuition fee for students attending study programs in Czech language. Scholarship of monthly 6000 Czech crown – approx. 220EUR is offered for the first study year – to cover basic living costs. The application deadline is 30th January 2014.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in the field of technical and natural science at one of the universities in the South Moravian region in the Czech Republic.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to study a follow-up master or PhD study programs in the Czech republic.
Scholarship Provider: South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM) in Czech Republic
Scholarship can be taken at: Czech Republic
Eligibility: Foreign students from the third countries out of European Union, who wish to study a follow-up master or Ph.D. study programs in Czech language, at partner universities in the South Moravian region of the Czech republic. Preferably in technical and natural science field of study. Sufficient knowledge of Czech language is required. Applicants, who have already studied at any of the Czech universities or secondary schools before, are not eligible to apply for the scholarship (except for preparatory language courses or short-term study exchange programs).
Scholarship Open for International Students: Foreign students from the third countries out of European Union can apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: The programme Scholarship for foreign students supports foreign students from the third countries out of European Union who want to study at one of the universities in the South Moravian region in the Czech republic, in the Czech study programmes. Knowledge of Czech language is required.
Number of award(s): Approximately 20- 30 awards are offered each year so far there have been supported already 194 students since the 2006.
Duration of award(s): Scholarship will be offered for the first study year.
What does it cover? -Scholarship (monthly 6000 Czech crown – approx. 220EUR) for the first study year – to cover basic living costs (if students achieves good study results during the first study year, they obtain scholarship straight from the university in the following years). There is no tuition fee for students attending study programs in Czech language.
-Free administrative assistance and consultancy – help with university entrance exams procedure and during the first study year in the South Moravian region (diploma recognition, information service, visa, study matters etc.).
Selection criteria: Applicants must pass successfully an entrance university exam. Final choice of scholarship holders makes independent Selection Committee, whose members are the vice-rectors of our partner universities. Selection is done from the group of applicants who have been accepted to the study at the university.
Notification: Successful applicants will be notified in end of June 2014.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 30th January 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application follow this links.
Friday, October 4, 2013
STUDY IN FRANCE- ফ্রান্সে উচ্চশিক্ষা ।
ফ্রান্সে উচ্চশিক্ষা
সালাম সবাইকে । আশা করি অনেক ভালো আছেন সবাই । ফ্রান্সের উচ্চশিক্ষা নিয়ে কিছুদিন আগে একটা ইংলিশ পোষ্ট দিয়ে ছিলাম এই শিরনামে Study in France : What you need to Know খুবই দরকারি তথ্য বহুল পোষ্টটি যারা পড়েন নি তারা পড়ে নিবেন । আর মূলকথা ফ্রান্সের উচ্চশিক্ষা সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে ভিজিট করুন তাদের ন্যাশনাল ওয়েব পোর্টাল ক্যাম্পাস ফ্রান্স -- এই ওয়েবসাইট টি তে । এবার আসি আমাদের নিজের ভাষায় ফ্রান্সের উচ্ছশিক্ষা নিয়ে কিছু কথা বলা যাক ।
উচ্চশিক্ষার জন্য ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নভুক্ত দেশগুলোর মধ্যে ফ্রান্স অন্যতম। ফ্রান্সে জীবনযাত্রার মান যেমনি উন্নত ও আধুনিক তেমনি প্রকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য ও মানসম্মত পড়ালেখার জন্য ফ্রান্স শিক্ষার্থীদের আকর্ষনের অন্যতম কারন। ফ্রান্সে পড়ালেখার প্রধান ভাষা হলো ফ্রেঞ্চ ভাষা। তবে ইংরেজিতেও পড়ালেখা করা যায়। এজন্য শিক্ষার্থীদের অবশ্যই ইংরেজি জানা থাকতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে আইইএলটিএস বা টোফেল করা থাকলেও চলবে। আন্ডারগ্রাজুয়েটের জন্য ৫·০- ৫·৫ আইইএলটিএস এবং ৫৫০ টোফেল স্কোর এবং পোস্টগ্র্যাজুয়েটের জন্য সাধারনত ৬·০ আইইএলটিএস এবং ৬০০ টোফেল স্কোর দরকার হয়।
ভর্তির সেশন
ফ্রান্সে বছরে তিন সেমিস্টারে পড়ালেখা করানো হয় , (মূলত দুইটা) । ১·সেমিস্টার এক - সেপ্টেম্বর/অক্টোবর, ২·সেমিস্টার দুই জানুয়ারি/ফেব্রুয়ারি এবং ৩·সেমিস্টার তিন - মে/জুন।
কোর্স প্রোগ্রাম
১· ডিপ্লোমা প্রোগ্রাম,
২· এসোসিয়েট ডিগ্রি,
৩· ব্যাচেলর ডিগ্রি,
৪· গ্র্যাজুয়েট ডিপ্লোমা ডিগ্রি,
৫· মাস্টার ডিগ্রি এবং
৬· ডক্টর ডিগ্রি।
ভর্তির বিষয়
ফ্রেঞ্চ ল্যাংগুয়েজ এন্ড লিটারেচার, হিস্ট্রি, ইংলিশ, ফিলোসফি, সোশাল সায়েন্স, পলিটিকাল সায়েন্স, সোসিওলজি, ল, ইকোনোমিক্স, চাইল্ড এন্ড ফেমিলি স্টাডিস, পাবলিক এডমিনিস্ট্রেশন, বিজনেস অ্যাডমিনেসট্রেশন, ম্যানেজমেন্ট, একাউনটেন্সি, ম্যাথমেটিক্স, ফিজিক্স, জিওফিজিক্স, এপ্লাইড ফিজিক্স, এস্ট্রোনমি, কেমিস্ট্রি, এপ্লাইড কেমিস্ট্রি, বায়োকেমিস্ট্রি, বায়োলজি, ই-বিজনেস, কনভেনশন ইন্ডাস্ট্রি, ফুড এন্ড নিউট্রিশন, হিউম্যান ইকোলজি, ফুড সার্ভিস মেনেজমেন্ট, ট্যুরিজম মেনেজমেন্ট, হোটেল মেনেজমেন্ট, কলিনারি সায়েন্স এন্ড আর্টস, জিওগ্রাফি, ইনফরমেশন ডিসপ্লে, মেডিকাল সায়েন্স, ফার্মাসিউটিকাল সায়েন্স, ইলেকট্রনিক মেটেরিয়াল্স ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, কম্পিউটার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, ক্লোথিং এন্ড টেক্সটাইল, সিরামিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, আর্কিটেকচার, ওরিয়েন্টাল ফার্মাসিউটিকাল সায়েন্স, ওরিয়েন্টাল মেডিসিন, ডেন্ট্রিস্টি, স্কুল অব নার্সিং সায়েন্স, হাউজিং এন্ড ইন্টেরিয়র ডিজাইন, ডিজাইন ক্রাফট, থিয়েটার এন্ড ফ্লিম, ক্রিয়েটিভ রাইটিং, ইনস্ট্রুমেন্টাল মিউজিক, কম্পোজিশন, ভয়েজ, ফাইন আর্টস, কোরিয়ান পেইন্টিং, ড্রয়িং এন্ড পেইন্টিং, স্কাল্পচার, ডেন্স, মডার্ণ ডেন্সিং, বেলেট প্রভৃতি বিষয়সমূহ পড়া যায়।
টিউশন ফি
অন্যান্য ইউরোপীয় দেশের তুলনায় ফ্রান্সে টিউশন ফি একটু বেশী হয়। সাধারণতঃ টিউশন ফি নির্ভর করে কোর্স এবং শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের উপর। শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান ভেদে টিউশন ফি বছরে ৩০০০-১০০০০ ইউরো পর্যন্ত হতে পারে।
ভর্তির জন্য আবেদন/ কি কি লাগবে ভর্তি হতে ?
ভর্তির জন্য শিক্ষার্থীকে সেশন শুরুর কমপক্ষে ১০-১২ সপ্তাহ পূর্বে আবেদন করতে হয়। আবেদন করার ১০-১৫ দিনের মধ্যে শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান থেকে অফার লেটার চলে আসে। অফার লেটার আসার পর প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র যেমন- শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার সকল মার্কশীট এবং সার্টিফিকেট, স্পন্সরের বৃত্তান্ত (ব্যাংক স্টেটমেন্ট এবং আয়ের উৎস), পাসপোর্ট, ছবি, বার্থ সার্টিফিকেট, আইইএলটিএস বা ইংলিশ প্রফিসিয়েন্সির সার্টিফিকেট, পুলিশ ক্লিয়ারেন্স ইত্যাদি কাগজপত্রসহ ভিসার জন্য আবেদন করতে হয়।
স্পন্সর / ব্যাংক সলভেন্সি
ভিসার জন্য শিক্ষার্থীর প্রথম রক্তের সম্পর্কের অভিভাবক স্পন্সর হলে ভিসা পাওয়া অনেকটা সহজ হয়।তবে শিক্ষার্থীর অন্য যেকোন অভিভাবক স্পন্সর করতে পারবে। তবে যদি আপনার যদি পর্যাপ্ত টাকা থাকে তাহলে আপনি নিজের নামে ও ব্যাংকে টাকা দেখাতে পারেন । ফ্রান্সের ক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে ১০০০০-১৫০০০ হাজার ইউরো দেখাতে হবে । টাকাটা অফার লেটার পাওয়ার পর ব্যাংকে রেখে এমব্যাসি ইন্টার্ভিউ ফেইস করতে হবে । ভিসা হলে আপনি টাকা তুলে নিতে পারবেন। আর ফ্রান্সে প্রবেশকালে ইমিগ্রেশন যদি জানতে চায় আপনার কাছে পর্যাপ্ত ব্যাংক, ব্যাল্যান্স আছে কি না তাদের দেশে পড়াশুনা করার মত তাহলে অবশ্যই আপনার ব্যাংক সলভেন্সির নমুনা দেখাতে হবে ।
পার্টটাইম জব
ফুলটাইম কোর্সের শিক্ষার্থীরা সপ্তাহে ২০ ঘন্টা কাজ করতে পারবে। তবে ছুটি ও অবসরকালীন সময় ফুলটাইম কাজ করা যায়। মাসে প্রায় ৮০০-১০০০ ইউরো আয় করা যায়।
থাকা-খাওয়ার খরচ
বিদেশী শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ক্যাম্পাসে হোষ্টেল রয়েছে। তবে কেউ ইচছা করলে ভাড়া বাড়িতে বা পেয়িং গেষ্ট হিসাবেও থাকতে পারবে। থাকা খাওয়া ও অন্যান্য ব্যায়সহ একজন শিক্ষার্থীর মাসে ৪০০-৬০০ ইউরোর বেশী লাগে না। মেডিকেল ইন্স্যুরেন্স কভারের জন্য মাসে ৫০ ইউরোর মত দিতে হয়।
ভিসা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
ভিসা ফি ৯৯ ইউরো। ভিসার জন্য দূতাভাসের নিয়ম অনুযায়ী সব কাগজপত্র জমা দিতে হয়। বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে ভিজিট করুন বাংলাদেশে অবস্থিত ফ্রান্সের দূতাবাসে ফ্রান্স এমব্যাসি ইন ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ
অভিবাসন সংক্রান্ত তথ্য : আপনি জানেন কি উন্নত দেশগুলোর পাসপোর্টের মর্যাদার দিক দিয়ে ফ্রান্স এর পাসপোর্ট খুবই শক্তিশালী পাসপোর্ট । বিনা ভিসায় আপনি ১৭২ দেশ ভ্রমণ করার সুযোগ পাবেন যদি আপনি ফ্রান্স পাসপোর্ট এর মালিক হতে পারেন । আর আপনি ৫ বছর বৈধভাবে বসবাসের পর স্থায়ী ভাবে বসবাসের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন আর ১০ বছর পর আপনি পাসপোর্ট অর্থাৎ ফ্রান্স নাগরিকত্বের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন। বিস্তারিত জানতে পারবেন এইখানে ফ্রান্স ইমিগ্রেশন সার্ভিস - , ,
দূতাবাসের ঠিকানা
ফ্রান্স দূতাবাসঃ বাড়ি- ১৮, রোড- ১০৮, গুলশান-২, ঢাকা- ১২১২। ফোন- ৮৮১৩৮১১-১৪, ফ্যাক্স- ৮৮৩৬১২।
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বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য > উপরে উল্লেখিত এংরেজি পোষ্ট টি পড়ে নিলে অনেক দরকারি তথ্য পেয়ে যাবেন । আরও যদি কোন কিছু জানার থাকে তাহলে আমাদের গ্রুপে সেগমেন্ট চলবে ফ্রান্সে উচ্চশিক্ষা ও অভিবাসন নিয়ে আপনারা আপনাদের মতামত জানাতে পারে মন্তব্বের মাধ্যমে । আজকের মত এখানেই সবাইকে আবারো ধন্যবাদ । #যুবরাজ#
উচ্চশিক্ষার জন্য ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নভুক্ত দেশগুলোর মধ্যে ফ্রান্স অন্যতম। ফ্রান্সে জীবনযাত্রার মান যেমনি উন্নত ও আধুনিক তেমনি প্রকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য ও মানসম্মত পড়ালেখার জন্য ফ্রান্স শিক্ষার্থীদের আকর্ষনের অন্যতম কারন। ফ্রান্সে পড়ালেখার প্রধান ভাষা হলো ফ্রেঞ্চ ভাষা। তবে ইংরেজিতেও পড়ালেখা করা যায়। এজন্য শিক্ষার্থীদের অবশ্যই ইংরেজি জানা থাকতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে আইইএলটিএস বা টোফেল করা থাকলেও চলবে। আন্ডারগ্রাজুয়েটের জন্য ৫·০- ৫·৫ আইইএলটিএস এবং ৫৫০ টোফেল স্কোর এবং পোস্টগ্র্যাজুয়েটের জন্য সাধারনত ৬·০ আইইএলটিএস এবং ৬০০ টোফেল স্কোর দরকার হয়।
ভর্তির সেশন
ফ্রান্সে বছরে তিন সেমিস্টারে পড়ালেখা করানো হয় , (মূলত দুইটা) । ১·সেমিস্টার এক - সেপ্টেম্বর/অক্টোবর, ২·সেমিস্টার দুই জানুয়ারি/ফেব্রুয়ারি এবং ৩·সেমিস্টার তিন - মে/জুন।
কোর্স প্রোগ্রাম
১· ডিপ্লোমা প্রোগ্রাম,
২· এসোসিয়েট ডিগ্রি,
৩· ব্যাচেলর ডিগ্রি,
৪· গ্র্যাজুয়েট ডিপ্লোমা ডিগ্রি,
৫· মাস্টার ডিগ্রি এবং
৬· ডক্টর ডিগ্রি।
ভর্তির বিষয়
ফ্রেঞ্চ ল্যাংগুয়েজ এন্ড লিটারেচার, হিস্ট্রি, ইংলিশ, ফিলোসফি, সোশাল সায়েন্স, পলিটিকাল সায়েন্স, সোসিওলজি, ল, ইকোনোমিক্স, চাইল্ড এন্ড ফেমিলি স্টাডিস, পাবলিক এডমিনিস্ট্রেশন, বিজনেস অ্যাডমিনেসট্রেশন, ম্যানেজমেন্ট, একাউনটেন্সি, ম্যাথমেটিক্স, ফিজিক্স, জিওফিজিক্স, এপ্লাইড ফিজিক্স, এস্ট্রোনমি, কেমিস্ট্রি, এপ্লাইড কেমিস্ট্রি, বায়োকেমিস্ট্রি, বায়োলজি, ই-বিজনেস, কনভেনশন ইন্ডাস্ট্রি, ফুড এন্ড নিউট্রিশন, হিউম্যান ইকোলজি, ফুড সার্ভিস মেনেজমেন্ট, ট্যুরিজম মেনেজমেন্ট, হোটেল মেনেজমেন্ট, কলিনারি সায়েন্স এন্ড আর্টস, জিওগ্রাফি, ইনফরমেশন ডিসপ্লে, মেডিকাল সায়েন্স, ফার্মাসিউটিকাল সায়েন্স, ইলেকট্রনিক মেটেরিয়াল্স ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, কম্পিউটার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, ক্লোথিং এন্ড টেক্সটাইল, সিরামিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, আর্কিটেকচার, ওরিয়েন্টাল ফার্মাসিউটিকাল সায়েন্স, ওরিয়েন্টাল মেডিসিন, ডেন্ট্রিস্টি, স্কুল অব নার্সিং সায়েন্স, হাউজিং এন্ড ইন্টেরিয়র ডিজাইন, ডিজাইন ক্রাফট, থিয়েটার এন্ড ফ্লিম, ক্রিয়েটিভ রাইটিং, ইনস্ট্রুমেন্টাল মিউজিক, কম্পোজিশন, ভয়েজ, ফাইন আর্টস, কোরিয়ান পেইন্টিং, ড্রয়িং এন্ড পেইন্টিং, স্কাল্পচার, ডেন্স, মডার্ণ ডেন্সিং, বেলেট প্রভৃতি বিষয়সমূহ পড়া যায়।
টিউশন ফি
অন্যান্য ইউরোপীয় দেশের তুলনায় ফ্রান্সে টিউশন ফি একটু বেশী হয়। সাধারণতঃ টিউশন ফি নির্ভর করে কোর্স এবং শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের উপর। শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান ভেদে টিউশন ফি বছরে ৩০০০-১০০০০ ইউরো পর্যন্ত হতে পারে।
ভর্তির জন্য আবেদন/ কি কি লাগবে ভর্তি হতে ?
ভর্তির জন্য শিক্ষার্থীকে সেশন শুরুর কমপক্ষে ১০-১২ সপ্তাহ পূর্বে আবেদন করতে হয়। আবেদন করার ১০-১৫ দিনের মধ্যে শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান থেকে অফার লেটার চলে আসে। অফার লেটার আসার পর প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র যেমন- শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার সকল মার্কশীট এবং সার্টিফিকেট, স্পন্সরের বৃত্তান্ত (ব্যাংক স্টেটমেন্ট এবং আয়ের উৎস), পাসপোর্ট, ছবি, বার্থ সার্টিফিকেট, আইইএলটিএস বা ইংলিশ প্রফিসিয়েন্সির সার্টিফিকেট, পুলিশ ক্লিয়ারেন্স ইত্যাদি কাগজপত্রসহ ভিসার জন্য আবেদন করতে হয়।
স্পন্সর / ব্যাংক সলভেন্সি
ভিসার জন্য শিক্ষার্থীর প্রথম রক্তের সম্পর্কের অভিভাবক স্পন্সর হলে ভিসা পাওয়া অনেকটা সহজ হয়।তবে শিক্ষার্থীর অন্য যেকোন অভিভাবক স্পন্সর করতে পারবে। তবে যদি আপনার যদি পর্যাপ্ত টাকা থাকে তাহলে আপনি নিজের নামে ও ব্যাংকে টাকা দেখাতে পারেন । ফ্রান্সের ক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে ১০০০০-১৫০০০ হাজার ইউরো দেখাতে হবে । টাকাটা অফার লেটার পাওয়ার পর ব্যাংকে রেখে এমব্যাসি ইন্টার্ভিউ ফেইস করতে হবে । ভিসা হলে আপনি টাকা তুলে নিতে পারবেন। আর ফ্রান্সে প্রবেশকালে ইমিগ্রেশন যদি জানতে চায় আপনার কাছে পর্যাপ্ত ব্যাংক, ব্যাল্যান্স আছে কি না তাদের দেশে পড়াশুনা করার মত তাহলে অবশ্যই আপনার ব্যাংক সলভেন্সির নমুনা দেখাতে হবে ।
পার্টটাইম জব
ফুলটাইম কোর্সের শিক্ষার্থীরা সপ্তাহে ২০ ঘন্টা কাজ করতে পারবে। তবে ছুটি ও অবসরকালীন সময় ফুলটাইম কাজ করা যায়। মাসে প্রায় ৮০০-১০০০ ইউরো আয় করা যায়।
থাকা-খাওয়ার খরচ
বিদেশী শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ক্যাম্পাসে হোষ্টেল রয়েছে। তবে কেউ ইচছা করলে ভাড়া বাড়িতে বা পেয়িং গেষ্ট হিসাবেও থাকতে পারবে। থাকা খাওয়া ও অন্যান্য ব্যায়সহ একজন শিক্ষার্থীর মাসে ৪০০-৬০০ ইউরোর বেশী লাগে না। মেডিকেল ইন্স্যুরেন্স কভারের জন্য মাসে ৫০ ইউরোর মত দিতে হয়।
ভিসা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
ভিসা ফি ৯৯ ইউরো। ভিসার জন্য দূতাভাসের নিয়ম অনুযায়ী সব কাগজপত্র জমা দিতে হয়। বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে ভিজিট করুন বাংলাদেশে অবস্থিত ফ্রান্সের দূতাবাসে ফ্রান্স এমব্যাসি ইন ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ
অভিবাসন সংক্রান্ত তথ্য : আপনি জানেন কি উন্নত দেশগুলোর পাসপোর্টের মর্যাদার দিক দিয়ে ফ্রান্স এর পাসপোর্ট খুবই শক্তিশালী পাসপোর্ট । বিনা ভিসায় আপনি ১৭২ দেশ ভ্রমণ করার সুযোগ পাবেন যদি আপনি ফ্রান্স পাসপোর্ট এর মালিক হতে পারেন । আর আপনি ৫ বছর বৈধভাবে বসবাসের পর স্থায়ী ভাবে বসবাসের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন আর ১০ বছর পর আপনি পাসপোর্ট অর্থাৎ ফ্রান্স নাগরিকত্বের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন। বিস্তারিত জানতে পারবেন এইখানে ফ্রান্স ইমিগ্রেশন সার্ভিস - , ,
দূতাবাসের ঠিকানা
ফ্রান্স দূতাবাসঃ বাড়ি- ১৮, রোড- ১০৮, গুলশান-২, ঢাকা- ১২১২। ফোন- ৮৮১৩৮১১-১৪, ফ্যাক্স- ৮৮৩৬১২।
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বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য > উপরে উল্লেখিত এংরেজি পোষ্ট টি পড়ে নিলে অনেক দরকারি তথ্য পেয়ে যাবেন । আরও যদি কোন কিছু জানার থাকে তাহলে আমাদের গ্রুপে সেগমেন্ট চলবে ফ্রান্সে উচ্চশিক্ষা ও অভিবাসন নিয়ে আপনারা আপনাদের মতামত জানাতে পারে মন্তব্বের মাধ্যমে । আজকের মত এখানেই সবাইকে আবারো ধন্যবাদ । #যুবরাজ#
Studying in France: What you need to know !!
France is the fourth most popular study destination in the world, with nearly 300,000 foreign students. Relatively low tuition fees and the chance to live in France are certainly appealing, but France’s confusing higher education system can be frustrating to navigate. let's check !
So, you want to study in France?
The very thought can conjure up images of lecture halls where Durkheim or Sartre once probed society and the meaning of life, dank sheds in which Marie Curie discovered Radium, or cafés in which Camus once plotted his works of absurdism.
France certainly has a strong intellectual tradition, and whether it’s to improve your French, for the richness of cultural activities, or just to try something different, there are a range of options for international students.
When it comes to the practical side, there are frustrations, but it’s doable, and well worth the effort. We’ve put together this guide to help you through the process.
Applying to a university and visas
How you go about choosing a university program in France will depend on where you’re from.
Anyone from an EU or European Economic Area member state won’t need a visa to study, and can apply directly to the university or graduate school of their choice.
Otherwise, you’ll need a student visa. You can get one either at a French consulate or via Campus France (full list of all the links below).
Campus France is an online portal run by the French government that assists students in their university applications, from choosing a university up to visa processing.
They have a number of regional offices around the world and can also provide extensive information on degree programs.
France recently simplified the notoriously tedious process of applying for a Carte de Séjour, or residency permit, for non-EU nationals.
During your first year of studies, you only need to show your visa as proof of your residency status. However, you still need to register with the immigration officewithin 30 days of arrival and undertake a medical examination to validate your visa. From your second year of studies onwards, you will need to apply for a Carte de Séjour.
Language level
Language level
Many universities now offer either bilingual programs or programs taught entirely in English, which is of particular appeal for those wanting to learn or improve their French while specialising in another academic discipline.
However, if you decide to undertake a degree program taught in French, you will need to have at least an intermediate level of French. Many universities require the B2 (intermediate) certificate in the Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (DELF) or sometimes the C1 (advanced) certificate, (the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française or DALF), depending on the course.
Find out more about French language courses at the CIEP website.
The French higher education system
France used to have a complicated system of degrees and diplomas, but as part of the Bologna process degrees are being standardised into Licence, Master and Doctorat levels, which correspond to Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees, requiring three, two, and three years respectively to complete.
The large majority of higher education institutions in France are state-funded, meaning there is only a nominal tuition fee of around 200€-400€ per year, depending on the level of studies.
Many business schools, however, are privately owned, and tuition fees for non-EU students can exceed €15,000 ($19,750) per year.
Under the French higher education system, anyone who has obtained their baccalauréat, or secondary school certificate, is entitled to enrol at a public university, but there are often competitive exams at the end of first year for a limited number of places in second year.
There is also a parallel system of elite, selective institutions known as grandes écoles, which have no real equivalent in the English-speaking world, but can be compared to graduate schools.
Unlike public universities, they have highly selective entry examinations, and are often semi-private, meaning they can charge much higher fees.
The French academic year corresponds roughly with most other northern hemisphere academic calendars.
The autumn semester usually begins in late September, followed by a spring semester starting in early February.
In addition to holidays around Christmas and New Year, some universities may have a spring break and holidays around All Saints’ Day (November 1st) and Easter.
Exams are normally at the end of each semester, and there are usually three months of holidays in summer, running from the beginning of July to the end of September.
Cost of living and housing
The cost of living in France is similar to other countries in Europe, but Paris, which is the most popular destination for students, can be very expensive, and it can be extremely difficult to find housing. There is often a crazy scramble for accommodation just before the beginning of each academic year in early October.
The Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris is a large student residence in the south of Paris with dormitories representing a number of different nationalities.
The Fondation des Etats-Unis and the Maison des Etudiants Canadiens cater to American and Canadian students, while the Collège Franco-Britannique caters for British and Commonwealth citizens.
Those whose nationalities are not represented can make a general application to the CIUP. Be warned, however, that places are limited - and many students apply up to a year in advance to secure a spot.
Only students in their third year of university and beyond can apply, and the maximum stay is two years.
Universities outside Paris (and even those located in the suburbs around Paris) often have subsidised student accommodation, either on-campus or nearby. You can also find more information about living in dormitories funded by the national student welfare office, the CNOUS.
Financial aid and working
The French government offers a large number scholarships each year to international students. These are normally advertised on the websites of French embassies and consulates around the world. Campus France also has a search engine for scholarships and grants
The French government offers a large number scholarships each year to international students. These are normally advertised on the websites of French embassies and consulates around the world. Campus France also has a search engine for scholarships and grants
Students whose universities are part of the Erasmus program can apply for the scheme through their universities. While the scheme is largely limited to universities in the EU, there are a number of non-EU universities who are also involved.
Means-based rental assistance is available to anyone with a valid French visa or Carte de Séjour (residency permit), including non-EU citizens, and are managed by the Caisses d'Allocations Familiales (CAF).
Students are legally allowed to work up to 19.5 hours per week during the semester, and full-time during the holiday period.
Students are legally allowed to work up to 19.5 hours per week during the semester, and full-time during the holiday period.
Non-EU citizens no longer need to apply for a separate work permit, and can work as long as they hold a valid student visa or residency card, except for Algerian students, who are covered under a separate agreement.
Students who have completed a Master’s are also eligible to apply for a six-month temporary work permit to allow them to find a job after their studies, but this provision was recently tightened and many applications were refused.
Student life
Student life
French universities tend not to have the same level of student activity that collegiate universities in the English-speaking world do.
Yet there are many extra-curricular activities and social events organised by student unions, or bureau(x) des étudiants (BDE).
As the fourth most popular study destination in the world, and with 12 percent of the student population hailing from abroad, there is often a dynamic cultural diversity on French campuses.
Most universities make an active effort to welcome them; with international students’ offices, student associations and buddy programs to help ease the transition for international students.
There are many benefits extended to students in France including generous discounts for food, entertainment and transportation.
Eligibility criteria can vary. Some benefits are only available to student card holders, while others are available to anyone under the age of 26.
Many public museums in Paris, for example, have free entry for EU residents under the age of 26.
Other benefits require the purchase of a student card; for example, the 12-25 rail card issued by the national rail company, SNCF, is valid for one year and costs €50. It offers up to a 60% discount on rail travel throughout France. In 2011, the offer was extended to those up to 30 years of age.
Bon courage with your studies.
Links in this article:
Campus France
Immigration office
French language courses
European higher education rules
Higher education costs
Cité Universitaire Internationale
12-25 rail card www.12-25-sncf.comWe will add more info soon just wait few days. Thanks
Monday, September 30, 2013
Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship-IT4BI for EU and Non EU Students, 2014/16
Erasmus Mundus is funding two years masters scholarship-IT4BI at Free University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium, University of Tours (UFRT) in France, Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP) in France, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain and Technical University of Berlin (TUB) in Germany. The category A scholarships should be considered as “full scholarships” covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe, while category B scholarships have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student’s costs while following his/her EMMC studies. Online application must be submitted by December 15th, 2013.
Study Subject (s): The scholarship is awarded in Information Technology for Business Intelligence.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing Masters Degree program at Free University of Brussels (ULB) (Belgium), University of Tours (UFRT) (France), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) (Spain), Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP) (France) and Technical University of Berlin (TUB) (Germany).
Scholarship Provider: Erasmus Mundus
Scholarship can be taken at: Belgium, France, Spain and Germany
Eligibility: To apply to IT4BI, candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria: They have been awarded a Bachelor’s degree (i.e., the equivalent of 180 ECTS) with a major in computer science, from an accredited university.
-They must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English by means of an internationally recognized test equivalent to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
-The consortium will rely on how certification bodies evaluate their own equivalences against this framework, e.g., Cambridge General English FCE, IELTS (Academic) 5.5, TOEFL (paper based) 570, TOEFL (computer based) 230, TOEFL (internet based) 88, etc. Please refer to the FAQ for questions regarding proof of proficiency in English.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: European students and Non European students are eligible for this master’s scholarship.
Scholarship Description: The application session for 2014-2016, starts from September 9, 2013 onwards. Candidates are required to apply via the IT4BI online application form. Importantly, Category B students currently on their last year of Bachelor can submit their application even if they have not yet their diploma. If they are selected they need to submit their diploma and final grades for the last year not later than June 30th, 2014. Candidates are informed that their personal data will be sent to the Agency and may be used by other bodies involved in the management of Erasmus Mundus (i.e. European Commission, Erasmus Mundus National Structures, EU Delegations, Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association) for facilitating the student/doctoral candidate access to the joint programme. The Erasmus Mundus programme provides EU-funded scholarships to students who have been selected by the consortia.
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): Duration of scholarship is of 2 years.
What does it cover? The Erasmus Mundus programme provides EU-funded scholarships to students who have been selected by the consortia. Two categories of scholarships are available:
-Category A Scholarships: they can be granted by the Consortium to non-European students. Category A scholarship is 24,000 euros per year. For the first edition of the programme (2012-2014), the consortium granted 9 categories A scholarships. Category B Scholarships: they can be granted by the Consortium to European students.
-Category B scholarship is 10,000 euros per year plus 3,000 euros for students realizing their Master Thesis in a third country associated partner. For the first edition of the programme (2012-2014), the consortium granted 7 category B scholarships.
It should be noted that, while the Category A scholarships should be considered as “full scholarships” covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe, Category B scholarships have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student’s costs while following his/her EMMC studies.
-The scholarship covers tuition fees and includes a monthly allowance and a contribution to installation and mobility costs. The part of the scholarship corresponding to the tuition fees is directly taken by the consortium.
-The remainder of the scholarship will be allocated to selected students in twelve monthly installments of 1000 euros for non-European students and 500 euros for European students – living allowance – plus two yearly installments of 4000 euros destined to cover mobility costs and installation for non-European students. The scholarship will be paid by bank transfer.
Selection Criteria: Domain of the bachelor: Points will be assigned proportional to the percentage of Computer Science credits in the curriculum.
-Academic results: This will be calculated as the weighted average of the marks in the different subjects.
-Other studies: A second bachelor or master will score depending on the obtained credits in computer science. Extra-curricular courses taken will be scored based on lecturing hours taking.
-Professional experience: Points will be given by year of work on IT or BI position (regarding the position held and the topic).
-Personal project: Points will be assigned based on the following categories: organization, sequencing, content, vocabulary and word choice, critical thinking, originality and creativity, accuracy of facts.
-Reference letters: Points will be assigned based on the approval, comments and reputation of the referees, as testified by the reference letters and the referees’ H-factor.
Notification: The scholarship will be formally confirmed in May 2014. Selected candidates will be notified after validation of the consortium selection proposal by the European Commission.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 15th, 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Study Subject (s): The scholarship is awarded in Information Technology for Business Intelligence.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing Masters Degree program at Free University of Brussels (ULB) (Belgium), University of Tours (UFRT) (France), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) (Spain), Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP) (France) and Technical University of Berlin (TUB) (Germany).
Scholarship Provider: Erasmus Mundus
Scholarship can be taken at: Belgium, France, Spain and Germany
Eligibility: To apply to IT4BI, candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria: They have been awarded a Bachelor’s degree (i.e., the equivalent of 180 ECTS) with a major in computer science, from an accredited university.
-They must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English by means of an internationally recognized test equivalent to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
-The consortium will rely on how certification bodies evaluate their own equivalences against this framework, e.g., Cambridge General English FCE, IELTS (Academic) 5.5, TOEFL (paper based) 570, TOEFL (computer based) 230, TOEFL (internet based) 88, etc. Please refer to the FAQ for questions regarding proof of proficiency in English.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: European students and Non European students are eligible for this master’s scholarship.
Scholarship Description: The application session for 2014-2016, starts from September 9, 2013 onwards. Candidates are required to apply via the IT4BI online application form. Importantly, Category B students currently on their last year of Bachelor can submit their application even if they have not yet their diploma. If they are selected they need to submit their diploma and final grades for the last year not later than June 30th, 2014. Candidates are informed that their personal data will be sent to the Agency and may be used by other bodies involved in the management of Erasmus Mundus (i.e. European Commission, Erasmus Mundus National Structures, EU Delegations, Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association) for facilitating the student/doctoral candidate access to the joint programme. The Erasmus Mundus programme provides EU-funded scholarships to students who have been selected by the consortia.
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): Duration of scholarship is of 2 years.
What does it cover? The Erasmus Mundus programme provides EU-funded scholarships to students who have been selected by the consortia. Two categories of scholarships are available:
-Category A Scholarships: they can be granted by the Consortium to non-European students. Category A scholarship is 24,000 euros per year. For the first edition of the programme (2012-2014), the consortium granted 9 categories A scholarships. Category B Scholarships: they can be granted by the Consortium to European students.
-Category B scholarship is 10,000 euros per year plus 3,000 euros for students realizing their Master Thesis in a third country associated partner. For the first edition of the programme (2012-2014), the consortium granted 7 category B scholarships.
It should be noted that, while the Category A scholarships should be considered as “full scholarships” covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe, Category B scholarships have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student’s costs while following his/her EMMC studies.
-The scholarship covers tuition fees and includes a monthly allowance and a contribution to installation and mobility costs. The part of the scholarship corresponding to the tuition fees is directly taken by the consortium.
-The remainder of the scholarship will be allocated to selected students in twelve monthly installments of 1000 euros for non-European students and 500 euros for European students – living allowance – plus two yearly installments of 4000 euros destined to cover mobility costs and installation for non-European students. The scholarship will be paid by bank transfer.
Selection Criteria: Domain of the bachelor: Points will be assigned proportional to the percentage of Computer Science credits in the curriculum.
-Academic results: This will be calculated as the weighted average of the marks in the different subjects.
-Other studies: A second bachelor or master will score depending on the obtained credits in computer science. Extra-curricular courses taken will be scored based on lecturing hours taking.
-Professional experience: Points will be given by year of work on IT or BI position (regarding the position held and the topic).
-Personal project: Points will be assigned based on the following categories: organization, sequencing, content, vocabulary and word choice, critical thinking, originality and creativity, accuracy of facts.
-Reference letters: Points will be assigned based on the approval, comments and reputation of the referees, as testified by the reference letters and the referees’ H-factor.
Notification: The scholarship will be formally confirmed in May 2014. Selected candidates will be notified after validation of the consortium selection proposal by the European Commission.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 15th, 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Master’s Scholarships for International Students at University of Bern in Switzerland, 2014/15
University of Bern is offering master’s scholarships for foreign students. Six outstanding foreign students are eligible for monthly financial support for the duration of a master’s programme. The Master Grant is awarded for all programmes offered by the University of Bern with the exception of Biomedical Science. The monthly payment is 1’600 Swiss Francs (for further information on costs of living in Switzerland). The Grant is first awarded for a period of 13 months starting 1st September 2014. Application should be submitted till 30th November 2013.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided to learn any of the courses (exception of Biomedical Science) offered by University of Bern in Switzerland.
Course Level: The scholarships are available for pursuing master’s degree level at University of Bern in Switzerland.
Scholarship Provider: University of Bern, Switzerland
Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland
Eligibility:-Whose permanent domicile at the time of application is outside of Switzerland, and who obtained their Bachelor’s degree outside of Switzerland.
-Whose Bachelor’s degree is in the relevant field of study.
-Who will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree no later than July 2014.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for the scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Six outstanding foreign students are eligible for monthly financial support for the duration of a Master’s programme. The Master Grant is awarded for all programmes offered by the University of Bern with the exception of Biomedical Science. For more information about the offered programmes please visit Master-Programmes as well as Faculties.
Number of award(s): Six scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): The Grant is first awarded for a period of 13 months starting 1 September 2014. When the Grantee demonstrates academic progress, the Grant is prolonged for the entire regular duration of the Master’s programme.
What does it cover? The monthly payment is 1’600 Swiss Francs (for further information on costs of living in Switzerland).
The Grant is first awarded for a period of 13 months starting 1 September 2014. When the Grantee demonstrates academic progress, the Grant is prolonged for the entire regular duration of the Master’s programme.
Selection criteria: Not Known
Notification: The International Office will communicate with applicants in the following manner:
-Upon arrival of the documents, all applicants will receive an acknowledge of receipt per e-mail
-After the first evaluation, rejected applicants will receive an e-mail (about January 2014)
-After the second evaluation stage, rejected applicants will receive an e-mail (about March 2014)
-Applicants who are nominated or put on the waiting list will receive an e-mail (End of March/Beginning April 2014)
How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post. The application form;
-A motivation letter, integrated in the application form, in the language of instruction of the chosen Master’s programme;
-Recommendation letters by two professors of the home university. These must be printed on official letterhead and duly signed;
-A certificate of language proficiency in the language of instruction, e.g. TOEFL, Goethe-certificate, etc, (Level: German C1, English B2);
-One photocopy of the Bachelor’s degree or a confirmation (no older than three months) from the home university that the applicant will graduate by the end of July 2014;
-One photocopy of the transcript of records;
-One photocopy of the baccalaureate (school-leaving or university entrance certificate).
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 30 November 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application look here
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided to learn any of the courses (exception of Biomedical Science) offered by University of Bern in Switzerland.
Course Level: The scholarships are available for pursuing master’s degree level at University of Bern in Switzerland.
Scholarship Provider: University of Bern, Switzerland
Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland
Eligibility:-Whose permanent domicile at the time of application is outside of Switzerland, and who obtained their Bachelor’s degree outside of Switzerland.
-Whose Bachelor’s degree is in the relevant field of study.
-Who will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree no later than July 2014.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for the scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Six outstanding foreign students are eligible for monthly financial support for the duration of a Master’s programme. The Master Grant is awarded for all programmes offered by the University of Bern with the exception of Biomedical Science. For more information about the offered programmes please visit Master-Programmes as well as Faculties.
Number of award(s): Six scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): The Grant is first awarded for a period of 13 months starting 1 September 2014. When the Grantee demonstrates academic progress, the Grant is prolonged for the entire regular duration of the Master’s programme.
What does it cover? The monthly payment is 1’600 Swiss Francs (for further information on costs of living in Switzerland).
The Grant is first awarded for a period of 13 months starting 1 September 2014. When the Grantee demonstrates academic progress, the Grant is prolonged for the entire regular duration of the Master’s programme.
Selection criteria: Not Known
Notification: The International Office will communicate with applicants in the following manner:
-Upon arrival of the documents, all applicants will receive an acknowledge of receipt per e-mail
-After the first evaluation, rejected applicants will receive an e-mail (about January 2014)
-After the second evaluation stage, rejected applicants will receive an e-mail (about March 2014)
-Applicants who are nominated or put on the waiting list will receive an e-mail (End of March/Beginning April 2014)
How to Apply: The mode of applying is by post. The application form;
-A motivation letter, integrated in the application form, in the language of instruction of the chosen Master’s programme;
-Recommendation letters by two professors of the home university. These must be printed on official letterhead and duly signed;
-A certificate of language proficiency in the language of instruction, e.g. TOEFL, Goethe-certificate, etc, (Level: German C1, English B2);
-One photocopy of the Bachelor’s degree or a confirmation (no older than three months) from the home university that the applicant will graduate by the end of July 2014;
-One photocopy of the transcript of records;
-One photocopy of the baccalaureate (school-leaving or university entrance certificate).
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 30 November 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application look here
Eiffel scholarships in France 2014/2015
The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs offers Eiffel scholarships for international students annually. These scholarships are awarded for pursuing a master degree at French host higher education institutions and a PhD through a thesis joint supervision or co-tutorship with a foreign higher education institution partner. The scholarship supports for a maximum duration of 12 months for M2, a maximum of 24 months for M1, maximum duration of 36 months for an engineering science diploma and for a maximum duration of 10 months for PhD program. Applications for 2014/2015 academic year are open and will close on January 8th, 2014.
Study Subject (s): The three major areas of study covered by the Eiffel program are: Engineering sciences at Master level, sciences in a broader sense for PhD level (engineering sciences, exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry and life sciences, nano and bio-technology, earth and environmental sciences, information and communication sciences and technology), Economics and management and Law and political science.
Course Level: In submitting applications for Eiffel scholarship program, French host higher education institutions undertake to enroll students in one of the following courses: courses awarding a Master degree and courses awarding a PhD through a thesis joint supervision or co-tutorship with a foreign higher education institution partner.
Scholarship Provider: The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Scholarship can be taken at: France
-Nationality: This program is for candidates of foreign nationality. Binational candidates, one of which nationality is French, are not eligible.
- Age: for programs leading to a master’s degree level, applicants must be at most 30 years old at the date of the selection committee, that is to say, born after 07/03/1983; for PhD applicants, candidates must be aged at most 35 years old on the date of the selection committee, that is to say, born after 03.07.1978.
- Origin of applications: Only applications sent by the French institutions are admissible. The latter undertake to enroll laureates in the training for which they were selected. Applications sent by other means are not receivable. In addition, a candidate nominated by more than one institution will see his application rejected.
- The training involved: Eligible candidates are likely to incorporate a training course of master level attested by a diploma, including engineering school, and PhD candidates. The French trainings relocated abroad are not affected, fellows, non doctoral, having to perform at least 75% of their studies in France.
- Concurrent scholarships: Foreign students already receiving a scholarship from the French government for another program at the time of filing the application are not eligible, even if it is a scholarship that supports social coverage.
- Eiffel doctoral Scholarship: an applicant who has already received an Eiffel scholarship under his PhD may not represent his candidacy again.
- Eiffel master Scholarship: a candidate whose folder was not selected may not represent its application in the following years, even if they change their field of study.
- Language level: institutions that screen non-francophone candidates must ensure that their language level is in line with the level required by the training course. Eventually, students currently studying abroad are given priority over those already residing in France
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students (except French students) are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the Eiffel excellence scholarship programme in January 1999 to support French centres of higher education in their international outreach initiatives, in a context of mounting competition among developed countries, to attract elite overseas students on master’s, engineering and PhD courses.
Duration of award(s):
For Master: The scholarship is attributed for a maximum duration of 12 months when registering for M2, a maximum of 24 months when registering for M1 and maximum duration of 36 months when registering for an engineering science diploma. It is awarded provided that the student fulfils the annual academic requirements of the curriculum.
For PhD: The Eiffel scholarship is attributed for a maximum duration of 10 months.
What does it cover?-Master course: Eiffel scholarship-holders receive a monthly allowance of 1,181€ (1,031€ of maintenance allowance and 150€ of monthly compensation), in addition to which are covered directly various expenses: An international return travel, Health insurance and Cultural activities. They can also benefit from an additional accommodation allowance under certain conditions.
-PhD course: Eiffel PhD scholarship-holders receive a monthly allowance of 1,400€, in addition to which are covered directly various expenses: An international return travel (only one return trip will be covered for law and political science students who would undertake several stays in France), Health insurance and Cultural activities. They can also benefit from an additional accommodation allowance under certain conditions.
Selection Criteria: The selection is made by a committee composed of three colleges of experts (one for each field of study). The members of these colleges are not allowed to assess applications submitted by institutions to which they are linked institutionally. The selection criteria are:
- The excellence of the candidate, as reflected in his previous academic career and the innovative nature of the research topic (score out of 10, coefficient 3)
- The international policy of the establishment1 making the nomination, the actions it takes in the considered geographical area, the excellence of the host unit, The adequacy with the application submitted (note 5, coefficient 3 )
- Policy cooperation and partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, notably the priority given to some countries for this program (note 5, coefficient 1).
The Committee assigns scores to candidates based on these three criteria and calculates the sum (of 50). Determines a threshold for eligibility, and the number of scholarships available, attributes them as follows:
- A minimum of 70% of the scholarships are awarded on the basis of the best scores.
- The remaining percentage is divided between schools that did not receive scholarship from eligible files.
Notification: Results will be announced in the week of March 17th, 2014.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Deadline for receipt of applications by Campus France is January 8th, 2014.
Further Scholarship Information and Application visit here.
Study Subject (s): The three major areas of study covered by the Eiffel program are: Engineering sciences at Master level, sciences in a broader sense for PhD level (engineering sciences, exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry and life sciences, nano and bio-technology, earth and environmental sciences, information and communication sciences and technology), Economics and management and Law and political science.
Course Level: In submitting applications for Eiffel scholarship program, French host higher education institutions undertake to enroll students in one of the following courses: courses awarding a Master degree and courses awarding a PhD through a thesis joint supervision or co-tutorship with a foreign higher education institution partner.
Scholarship Provider: The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Scholarship can be taken at: France
-Nationality: This program is for candidates of foreign nationality. Binational candidates, one of which nationality is French, are not eligible.
- Age: for programs leading to a master’s degree level, applicants must be at most 30 years old at the date of the selection committee, that is to say, born after 07/03/1983; for PhD applicants, candidates must be aged at most 35 years old on the date of the selection committee, that is to say, born after 03.07.1978.
- Origin of applications: Only applications sent by the French institutions are admissible. The latter undertake to enroll laureates in the training for which they were selected. Applications sent by other means are not receivable. In addition, a candidate nominated by more than one institution will see his application rejected.
- The training involved: Eligible candidates are likely to incorporate a training course of master level attested by a diploma, including engineering school, and PhD candidates. The French trainings relocated abroad are not affected, fellows, non doctoral, having to perform at least 75% of their studies in France.
- Concurrent scholarships: Foreign students already receiving a scholarship from the French government for another program at the time of filing the application are not eligible, even if it is a scholarship that supports social coverage.
- Eiffel doctoral Scholarship: an applicant who has already received an Eiffel scholarship under his PhD may not represent his candidacy again.
- Eiffel master Scholarship: a candidate whose folder was not selected may not represent its application in the following years, even if they change their field of study.
- Language level: institutions that screen non-francophone candidates must ensure that their language level is in line with the level required by the training course. Eventually, students currently studying abroad are given priority over those already residing in France
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students (except French students) are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the Eiffel excellence scholarship programme in January 1999 to support French centres of higher education in their international outreach initiatives, in a context of mounting competition among developed countries, to attract elite overseas students on master’s, engineering and PhD courses.
Duration of award(s):
For Master: The scholarship is attributed for a maximum duration of 12 months when registering for M2, a maximum of 24 months when registering for M1 and maximum duration of 36 months when registering for an engineering science diploma. It is awarded provided that the student fulfils the annual academic requirements of the curriculum.
For PhD: The Eiffel scholarship is attributed for a maximum duration of 10 months.
What does it cover?-Master course: Eiffel scholarship-holders receive a monthly allowance of 1,181€ (1,031€ of maintenance allowance and 150€ of monthly compensation), in addition to which are covered directly various expenses: An international return travel, Health insurance and Cultural activities. They can also benefit from an additional accommodation allowance under certain conditions.
-PhD course: Eiffel PhD scholarship-holders receive a monthly allowance of 1,400€, in addition to which are covered directly various expenses: An international return travel (only one return trip will be covered for law and political science students who would undertake several stays in France), Health insurance and Cultural activities. They can also benefit from an additional accommodation allowance under certain conditions.
Selection Criteria: The selection is made by a committee composed of three colleges of experts (one for each field of study). The members of these colleges are not allowed to assess applications submitted by institutions to which they are linked institutionally. The selection criteria are:
- The excellence of the candidate, as reflected in his previous academic career and the innovative nature of the research topic (score out of 10, coefficient 3)
- The international policy of the establishment1 making the nomination, the actions it takes in the considered geographical area, the excellence of the host unit, The adequacy with the application submitted (note 5, coefficient 3 )
- Policy cooperation and partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, notably the priority given to some countries for this program (note 5, coefficient 1).
The Committee assigns scores to candidates based on these three criteria and calculates the sum (of 50). Determines a threshold for eligibility, and the number of scholarships available, attributes them as follows:
- A minimum of 70% of the scholarships are awarded on the basis of the best scores.
- The remaining percentage is divided between schools that did not receive scholarship from eligible files.
Notification: Results will be announced in the week of March 17th, 2014.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Deadline for receipt of applications by Campus France is January 8th, 2014.
Further Scholarship Information and Application visit here.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Foreign Embassy situated in Bangladesh - বাংলাদেশে অবস্থিত বিদেশী দূতাবাসগুলোর ওয়েব অ্যাড্রোস একসাথে দেয়া হল ।
বিদেশী দূতাবাসগুলোর ওয়েব অ্যাড্রোস নিচে দেয়া হল ।।
তাছাড়া যেসকল কনসুলেট অফিস আছে তা আপনারা দেখে নিবেন । কনসুলেট নরমালি ভিসা প্রদানের কাজ করে না । একমাত্র সাইপ্রাস ছাড়া যেসকল কনসুলেট অফিস বাংলাদেশে আছে তাদের কাজ ইন্ডিয়া তে হয়ে থাকে । আমি সময় করে সব কয়টা অ্যাড করে নিব । ধন্যবাদ ।
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
BIGSAS PhD Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 2014
German Research Foundation offers PhD scholarships for international students in Germany. Applicants can apply to BIGSAS if they hold a Master’s or equivalent degree in the Humanities with a very good result. Limited numbers of scholarships of EUR 1,200 per month are offered for three years. The PhD students profit from a clearly structured, academic and career-oriented training as well as a genuine expertise in the African studies which has increased continuously since the foundation of the University of Bayreuth. Application should be submitted till October 1, 2013.
Study Subject (s): Scholarships are provided to learn any of the courses offered by the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies in Germany.
Course Level: The scholarships are available for pursuing PhD degree level at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies in Germany.
Scholarship Provider: German Research Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany
Eligibility: Applicants can apply to BIGSAS if you hold a Master’s or equivalent degree in the Humanities with a very good result and if you plan a PhD project on Africa – regardless of nationality, place of residence, age etc.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for the scholarships.
Scholarship Description: The Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS) is now in the second phase funded by the German Research Foundation as part of the Excellence Initiative since 2007. In the focus of this unique structure of creative and innovative training are more than 100 Junior Fellows from 31 African, American, Asian and European countries. The PhD students profit from a clearly structured, academic and career-oriented training as well as a genuine expertise in the African studies which has increased continuously since the foundation of the University of Bayreuth. The international network with Partner Universities on the African continent creates even more so excellent conditions for the research of our Junior Fellows.
Number of award (s): Limited number of scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are offered for three years.
What does it cover? BIGSAS offers a limited number of scholarships of EUR 1,200 per month for the period of three years.
Selection Criteria: The selection procedure is a competitive process which is organised in four major steps:
-Formal check of complete dossiers
-Evaluation of proposed projects by the respective experts
-Personal interview with invited candidates
-Final decision and admission
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is October 1, 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
MBA Scholarships for International Students at HHL in Germany, 2014
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management offers scholarships for international students in Germany. Scholarships are awarded to pursue full-time and Part-time MBA program. To be eligible for these scholarships, applicants must hold a first degree with an above average result and present a GMAT score of at least 650. The scholarship will be awarded as a tuition waiver of the total tuition costs of the MBA program. The application deadlines vary from one to another program for 2014 intake.
Study Subject (s): Scholarships are provided in the field of business administration.
Course Level: The scholarships are available for pursuing the master’s degree program.
Scholarship Provider: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany
Eligibility: -Applicants from all countries for the full-time MBA Program.
-For Future Entrepreneur Scholarship: -Applicants must hold a first degree (at least 180 ECTS credits) with an above average result.
Furthermore a GMAT score of at least 650 is required. The scholarship is offered to full-time MBA applicant’s 2014 intake only.
-For Young Leader Scholarship: -Applicants must hold a first degree (at least 180 ECTS credits) with an above average result and present a GMAT score of at least 650.
-For Scholarship for Women in Business: -Female applicants from all countries for HHL´s full-time MBA program. Applicants must hold a first degree with an above average result and present a GMAT score of at least 650. Successful candidates will receive the first half of the scholarship by the start of the MBA program and will need to maintain an overall grade average of at least 1.6 in their studies at HHL to be entitled to the second installment.
-For Scholarship for Women in Business: Applicants must hold a first degree with an above average result and present a high GMAT score (min. 600) or in exceptional cases a very good result in the HHL Admission Test).
Successful candidates will receive the first half of the scholarship by the start of the MBA program and will need to maintain an overall grade average of at least 2,0 in their studies at HHL to be entitled to the second installment.
-For Part-time MBA – Global Diversity Scholarship: Applicants must hold a first degree and present a GMAT score of at least 600 (or in exceptional cases a very good result in the HHL Admission Test).
-For Global Executive MBA – Woman in Leadership Scholarship: The scholarship committee will only consider complete applications having successfully gone through the EADA-HHL Global EMBA admission process.
-For Global Executive MBA – Entrepreneurs Scholarship: The scholarship committee will only consider complete applications having successfully gone through the EADA-HHL Global EMBA admission process.
-For Global Executive MBA – International Diversity Scholarship: The scholarship committee will only consider complete applications having successfully gone through the EADA-HHL Global EMBA admission process.
-For Global Executive MBA – Not-for-profit-sector Scholarships: The scholarship committee will only consider complete applications having successfully gone through the EADA-HHL Global EMBA admission process.
-For Global Executive MBA – Small and Medium Enterprises Scholarships: The scholarship committee will only consider complete applications having successfully gone through the EADA-HHL Global EMBA admission process.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for the scholarships.
Scholarship Description: HHL offers scholarships for outstanding candidates interested in studying in one of our programs.
Full-time MBA – Young Leader Scholarship: The HHL Young Leader Scholarship focuses on prospective students, especially international students, who bring their leadership potential to HHL and plan to continue their career in a German company after graduation.
Full-time MBA – Future Entrepreneur Scholarship: The HHL Future Entrepreneur Scholarship focuses on prospective full-time MBA students who bring their entrepreneurial potential to HHL and who seek to start their own business after graduating from HHL or who have already started it. During their time at HHL the successful applicants will participate in the student initiative and are asked to introduce their business concept in at least one of the events.
Full-time MBA – Scholarship for Women in Business: Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 14,500 corresponding to 50% of the total tuition fee in the full-time MBA Program.
Part-time MBA – Scholarship for Women in Business: With its Scholarship for Women in Business, HHL would like to support excellent female candidates of all academic and national backgrounds who present strong motivation and outstanding professional and academic credentials and who are willing to become active members of the HHL community.
Part-time MBA – Global Diversity Scholarship: The HHL Global Diversity Scholarship focuses on prospective students with an international background, who bring their leadership potential and international experiences to HHL. The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 25% of the total tuition costs for the part-time MBA Program.
Global Executive MBA – Woman in Leadership Scholarship: An important mission of the EADA-HHL Global Executive MBA is to increase the flow of women business executives into key educational programs and international business networks. We look for motivated women in business, which are making significant achievements in their professional lives.
Global Executive MBA – Entrepreneurs Scholarship: EADA and HHL are seeking for self financed executives who address innovative and sustainable business solutions. An important aim of the EADA-HHL Global Executive MBA is to help executives to create value and develop solutions that can achieve big social and/or innovative impact.
Global Executive MBA – International Diversity Scholarship: This scholarship supports our goal of achieving an outstanding and truly international Executive MBA class. The International Diversity scholarship targets business leaders with an international background.
Global Executive MBA – Not-for-profit-sector Scholarships: EADA and HHL are seeking for executives who are working in non-profit organizations and could help in the future to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these organizations.
Global Executive MBA – Small and Medium Enterprises Scholarships: This scholarship supports our goal of achieving an outstanding and truly international Executive MBA class. The Small and Medium enterprises scholarship targets business leaders working in a small or medium enterprise which supports personal and professional growth among employees. The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 50% of the total tuition costs for the Global Executive MBA Program.
Number of award(s): Full-time MBA – Young Leader Scholarship: Two
Full-time MBA – Future Entrepreneur Scholarship: Two
Part-time MBA – Global Diversity Scholarship: Two
Duration of award(s): Not Known
What does it cover? -Full-time MBA – Young Leader Scholarship: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver for the full-time MBA Program worth up to EUR 13,500.
-Full-time MBA – Future Entrepreneur Scholarship: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver worth up to EUR 13,500.
-Full-time MBA – Scholarship for Women in Business: Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 14,500 corresponding to 50% of the total tuition fee in the full-time MBA Program.
-Part-time MBA – Scholarship for Women in Business: Successful candidates will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 7,750 corresponding to 25% of the total tuition fee for the part-time MBA Program.
-Part-time MBA – Global Diversity Scholarship: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 25% of the total tuition costs for the part-time MBA Program.
-Global Executive MBA – Woman in Leadership Scholarship: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 25% of the total tuition costs for the Global Executive MBA Program.
-Global Executive MBA – Entrepreneurs Scholarship: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 25% of the total tuition costs for the Global Executive MBA Program.
-Global Executive MBA – International Diversity Scholarship: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 25% of the total tuition costs for the Global Executive MBA Program.
-Global Executive MBA – Not-for-profit-sector Scholarships: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 25% of the total tuition costs for the Global Executive MBA Program.
-Global Executive MBA – Small and Medium Enterprises Scholarships: The scholarship will provide the successful candidates with a tuition waiver of up to 50% of the total tuition costs for the Global Executive MBA Program.
Selection Criteria: Not Known
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: The mode of applying is the email. Applicants must include:
-A completed full-time MBA application form
-GMAT score of at least 650
-Scholarship essay
Scholarship questionnaire
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadlines are:
Full-time MBA – Young Leader Scholarship: April 1, 2014.
Full-time MBA – Future Entrepreneur Scholarship: April 1, 2014
Full-time MBA – Scholarship for Women in Business: April 1, 2014.
Part-time MBA – Scholarship for Women in Business: December 31, 2013
Part-time MBA – Global Diversity Scholarship: December 31, 2013.
Global Executive MBA – Woman in Leadership Scholarship: June 30, 2014
Global Executive MBA – Entrepreneurs Scholarship: June 30, 2014
Global Executive MBA – International Diversity Scholarship: June 30, 2014
Global Executive MBA – Not-for-profit-sector Scholarships: June 30, 2014
Global Executive MBA – Small and Medium Enterprises Scholarships: June 30, 2014
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Development Scholarships for Developing Countries in Czech Republic, 2014/15
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided to study any one of the courses offered by Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Bachelor’s or Master’s degree level at Charles University.
Scholarship Provider: Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Faculty of Social Sciences
Scholarship can be taken at: Czech Republic
Eligibility: Applications for these scholarships are open to all students from developing countries and/or countries going through a process of political and economic transition, who are applying for study in one of our Bachelor’s studies or Master’s studies programmes at the Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences from academic year 2014/15.
Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of developing countries (Afghanistan, Gambia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, The Guinea, Myanmar, Benin, Guinea-Bisau, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Niger, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Cambodia, Korea, Dem Rep., Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Kyrgyz Republic, Somalia, Liberia, Tajikistan, Comoros, Madagascar, Tanzania, Malawi, Togo, Congo, Dem. Rep, Eritrea, Mali, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Albania, Indonesia, Samoa, Armenia, India, São Tomé and Principe, Belize, Iraq, Senegal, Bhutan, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Bolivia, Kosovo, South Sudan, Cameroon, Lao PDR, Sri Lanka, Cape Verde, Lesotho, Sudan, Congo, Rep., Marshall Islands, Swaziland, Côte d’Ivoire, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Syrian Arab Republic, Djibouti, Moldova, Timor-Leste, Egypt, Arab Rep., Mongolia, Tonga, El Salvador, Morocco, Ukraine, Fiji, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Nigeria, Vanuatu, Ghana, Pakistan, Vietnam, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Guyana, Paraguay, Yemen, Rep., Honduras, Philippines, Zambia, Angola, Ecuador, Palau, Algeria, Gabon, Panama, American Samoa, Grenada, Peru, Antigua and Barbuda, Iran, Islamic Rep., Romania, Argentina, Jamaica, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Serbia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, South Africa, Botswana, Lebanon, St. Lucia, Brazil, Libya, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Suriname, Chile, Macedonia, FYR, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Tunisia, Colombia, Maldives, Turkey, Costa Rica, Mauritius, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Mexico, Tuvalu, Dominica, Montenegro and Uruguay) can apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Thanks to a generous contribution from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Faculty of Social Sciences is able to offer a limited number of partial scholarships for students of all fees based programs in academic year 2014/15. Five scholarships are available, for students from developing countries and/or countries going through a process of political and economic transition.
Number of award(s): Five scholarships are available.
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are awarded for school year 2014/15, and may not be deferred to later years.
What does it cover? -Under the terms of this scholarship, students will receive a waiver of school fees for their first semester of study, plus a one-off payment of Kc 50,000 (about 2,050 Euro) as a contribution towards living costs.
-School fees for the second semester of study will Not be waived.
-Although we would like to continue the scholarship scheme in school year 2015/16, this is subject to our receiving further funding for future years. At present, therefore, we cannot guarantee that similar scholarships will be available for students’ second year of study.
Selection Criteria: In addition to the documents submitted by scholarship applicants, the Scholarship Review Board will take into consideration applicants’ results from their earlier studies. Priority will be given to students who have not previously had the opportunity to study abroad.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: -The mode of applying is by post. Applications must be made on the form that accompanies this announcement, and must include the following documents:
-completed application form;
-motivation essay of no more than 1000 words, explaining why they need a scholarship, and what they hope to gain from their studies at the Charles University;
-two letters of recommendation from teachers, who know the student from their previous studies, including confirmation of the student’s financial need.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for scholarship applications is 30th April 2014.
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